As part of the unique cultural event, the soloists of the Philharmonic, accompanied by a symphony orchestra, performed excerpts from the repertoire of famous Kazakh, Soviet and foreign composers who have become classics of world opera art.
"Madeniet salasynyn uzdigi" by Valery Boliyev charmed the audience with a bright number "Dance of the Savages" from the opera by J-F. Rameau "Gallant Indies". A special national flavor was given to the concert by the aria of Aisulu from the opera of the same name by S. Mukhamedzhanov, performed by the laureate of republican competitions - Ayagoz Kalmaganbetova.
The aria of Onegin from the opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin" performed by the laureate of republican competitions Serikbolsyn Bekmoldin. The duet of Zhamilya Dzharkimbaeva and Batyrzhan Smakov in "The Queen of Spades" by P.I. Tchaikovsky also left an unforgettable impression on the audience. A fascinating performance on the kobyz of "Gypsy Dances" from the opera "Aleko" by S. Rachmaninov was presented to the audience by Saida Rashit (accompanist Olga Gergel).
The concert program included arias and scenes from the operas "Orpheus and Eurydice" by K-V. Gluck performed by Anna Batlukova (flute), "La Traviata" by G. Verdi and "La Boheme" by G. Puccini performed by Zhamilya Dzharkimbaeva. The concert ended with a comic number from M. Dunaevsky's opera "Pif-Paf" performed by Batyrzhan Smakov and the chamber choir, which left the audience in high spirits.
Temirlan Nurzhau, Dina Ardak and the head of the chamber choir "Madeniet salasynyng uzdigi" Galina Kolesnikova shone at the conductor's stand that evening. Musicologist lecturer Yulia Nikitenko briefly and fascinatingly told about the works performed and the history of their creation. The concert "Viva, opera" became not only a bright musical event, but also a real journey through the pages of the world and Kazakhstani opera tradition, which will remain in the memory of the audience for a long time.