Popular music cafes continue in the Akmola Regional Philharmonic named after Ukili Ybyrai. On December 22 at 15:00, the creative teams of the Philharmonic presented the music cafe "Muse of Winter" to the attention of their favorite viewers. The evening was hosted by musicologist teacher Yulia Nikitenko.

 Each season of nature is unique, with its own entertainment and excursions. The winter season is also remembered for its flawless white snow, bitter frost and torrential storms. At this time, people can enjoy the secrets of nature, special unforgettable moments. This evening, the audience watched with us the secrets of the magical winter season, covered with fluffy snow and sparkling like sapphires.

  The concert program featured a chamber music ensemble, a chamber choir, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Zhamila Zharkimbayeva, "Excellent in Culture" Valeriya Boliyeva, and laureate of republican competitions Ayakoz Kalmagonbetova. Accompanists: Olga Gergel, Natalya Gritsayeva, Yaroslava Kravtsova. Students of the music college Altynai Aiten and Darya Bondarenko also participated and sang in the concert.

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