On January 9, the Akmola Regional Philharmonic named after Ukili Ybray hosted a concert of the dance school "Amanat" "Bishi kyz, bishi bala - Amanatym!" The final concert was held. Head - Gulmira Ordabaeva, "Madeniet salasynyn uzdigi". The dance school "Amanat" is a dance school operating on the basis of a state program aimed at teaching and educating children the ABCs of dance, as well as their comprehensive development. Children from 4 to 17 years old study at the dance school "Amanat".

Junior, senior, adult and youth groups took part in the annual concert program of the dance school, who master the intricacies of dance under the guidance of teachers: Olesya Shraiber, Aidana Nurlanova, Aidana Raspayeva and Aziza Serikbayeva. At today's concert, the audience was presented with a new concert program. Each work of the talented choreographer and nugget Gulmira Ordabaeva is distinguished by its content and movement. The audience was delighted to see Kazakh dances, Uyghur and Mexican dances performed by dancers of the Amanat dance school, which are unique in vocabulary, national motifs, beautiful gestures and plasticity. The guest of the evening - the professional dance ensemble "Gakku" of the Akmola Regional Philharmonic named after Ukili Ybray - also warmed up the evening with the dances "Arular" and "Sylkyldak". For our people, who put food on the floor when they say: "A song is a dance", today's concert became a real fireworks and a holiday.

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